Thursday, July 07, 2005


Occassionally I hear interesting things about a scripting language
called Ruby. The other day I actually starting playing with it. The
thing that actually precipitated my venture into the language was a
blog post by Scott Hanselmann about using Ruby for unit-testing web
I thought "what an interesting idea". So I've been playing with it
during break times and such for the last few days.

It is still a little early to decide if I'm really going to enjoy the
syntax or not. We'll see. As for IDE's that run on Windows, I've
narrowed it down to two that I want to try out longer,
Mondrian and
FreeRIDE. Both are written in
Ruby. We'll see which one comes out on top.

If any of you out there have played with Ruby, drop me a comment or
email and tell me about your experience with it, and why you like it (or not).


At 5:22 AM, Blogger Eric Sowell said...

Yes, that's a good idea. I've heard quite a bit of hype around it as well. I'll look into it after I'm a little more familiar with Ruby. I don't know why I didn't think of it as a possibility for unit testing...


At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've used python for simple scripting things on servers.
It took me a great deal longer to grasp than Ruby did...
Ruby made coding SIMPLE for me and Ruby on Rails..I can't say enough about..just discovered this one last week..and it puts working with PHP to shame!

I'm not a programmer though, merely a network admin who likes to have scripts to automate redundant tasks.



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