Saturday, November 12, 2005

How Microsoft Can Compete with Open Source

Found this interesting post on Scoble's blog. His ideas on the topic boil down to 1) focus on how desktop windows stuff beats the pants off of open source(which is obviously does MOST of the time, though not all) and 2) hire open source developers to pull them away from their world, and harness their skills against the open source world.

The first is a mediocre idea, because I think most know this. And MS is already winning here anyway, and they have no competition on the horizon AFAIK. That is, unless the Mac user base actually takes off. I heard it's growing because of the iPod, but we'll see. I actually wish MS had a competitor in this space, because competition is healthy.

The second idea is spectacular. Though some open source developers would not be bought because of ideological reasons, I think most probably could be. Take away those with the brains and the ideas, and you've killed serious competition there. And MS would also get some top notch developers, which is always a good deal.

My thoughts.


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